
Baptism is a dramatization of the death and resurrection of our savior in a public display of your profession of faith and new identity in Christ.
As stated in Romans 6, baptism is dying with Christ (dead to the old sinful life) and being risen with Him into a new life. Like a wedding, it is a public profession of your love and commitment to Him but more importantly an acknowledgment of what He has done for you - a profession of faith.
I encourage you to click the following link to hear a recent teaching on baptism:
 Here's what you can expect the day you get baptized:
     1. Arrive at the beach early and park in the parking lot (fee applies) or find a space in the neighborhood on the bluff.cove is located over the rocks and down steep steps to
          the right of the parking lot as you're facing the ocean.
     2. We will gather up and have a prayer and brief scripture with explanation regarding the significance of baptism
     3. Sing a couple worship songs
     4. I will wade out into the water and those who would like to get baptized will come out one by one
     5. We will have you face the beach
     6. I will pray for you and ask you a few questions:
             A. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God?
             B. Do you believe that Jesus died and rose again for your sins?
             C. Do you acknowledge him as your Lord and savior?
     7. Upon answering "I do" or "yes" to each of these questions, please plug your nose with one hand and grab your forearm with the other.
     8. Another helper and I will each hold an arm and support you from the back with our other hand as you lean back to be fully submerged, baptizing you in the name of the              Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
     9. We will then support you as you come up out of the water and celebrate with you! Woo Hoo!

  • Be thoughtful about wearing clothing that will not be revealing when wet
  • Bring a towel and change of clothing for after

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at We are looking forward to being witness to your public declaration of what Jesus has already done in your heart!
God's Richest Blessings,
Pastor James